Sunday 16 November 2014

Service Review - Burger King Taking The Piss

Nowadays, businesses are asking customers constantly what they thought about the service provided. Some offer rewards like vouchers or free gifts in order to receive customer feedback. Feedback allows the business to deal with issues in-house and with minimal drama. Well, what happens when feedback goes unnoticed - I write a blog about it. 

Tender subject here, but when you need to go, you need to go. I had just been in a quiet little café in Leicester Square - without toilets - and just had an extra large hot chocolate, and naturally needed to go. I walked out of the café and into the nearest fast food restaurant I saw, as generally their toilets are quite clean. Sadly, I was mistaken. By all means apart from the odd bit of graffiti and toilet paper on the floor, it was clean. But there was no toilet seat - in any of the two available stalls - the other three were out of order. It's rather unhygienic sitting on a toilet with no seat, so I spoke to the toilet attendant. The response I got was ' they been nicked init '. They been nicked init - it was like she was speaking a foreign language, certainly not English. Personally I thought it was disgusting that Burger King had not done anything about the issue - and in quite some time too - the attendant also said they had been in that state all week. One the Burger King's biggest and busiest restaurants, and they treat customer complaints like they are nothing. If the branch knew for a week that the toilets were in that state and let them be used, it doesn't bare to think about what other corners they are cutting in customer care. What a piss take - utter poo - okay no more toilet puns here. Either way, this disgruntled customers won't be using Burger King any more.

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