Saturday 15 November 2014

Culture - The Babadook - Movie Review

I've been trying to drag someone along to see this movie for a while, and the lucky person was my brother. Mention to my little brother, whose just turned 17 - Happy Birthday Steven!

The Babadook is an Australian film about a single mum who has a 'difficult' child. She normally reads to him before bed to help him sleep - he struggles to sleep because he believes in monsters. One day he chooses a book from the shelf called Mister Babadook - neither mother or son had seen the book before. Never the less, they read on and soon discover it's a dark book. Sam, the young boy, doesn't deal with it well and it turns out they have released the Babadook.


Firstly I want to say, Noah Wiseman, the son, is creepy as hell - but a fantastic actor. He had a seizure, was attacked by his on-screen mother and his dead dog - and it was all believable. I believed all the emotions he was portraying and believed he was in real danger, which only brought me further into the story. His incredible acting skills surprised me - considering I had heard he was only 7 years old during production. Although his creepy screaming and whining made me want to jump into the screen and tell his character, Sam, to grow up.

Next on my list of critiques - the dog. In every movie the dog dies. Marley And Me, I Am Legend, now this. Stop killing the movie dogs. It's heart breaking, I cry every time. I'm not too fussed if anyone dies, but not the dogs. I can't deal with any more dead dogs.

And lastly, the ending. Movie endings make or break the movie. And still even after reading forum after forum, I have no clue as to the meaning of this ending. Like I said in an earlier post, I'm not a parent, so I can't really relate - but if a dark creature had tried killing my child and me, I doubt I'd keep it. Let alone feed it with worms from the garden. Or get anywhere near it to comfort it. Worst of all, the rather 'trippy' ending was never explained. My brother believes that it was more of a set-up for a sequel - I personally don't see how that will work. So after a really good movie, I'm now in limbo. Either way despite the shocking ending, The Babadook is well worth a watch.  

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