Saturday 8 November 2014

Advertising - Social Issues - Tailgating

Amélie Company of the United States have produced a very innovative 3D billboard ad to remind drivers about the dangers of tailgating, especially behind lorries who have limited rear vision. 

In the 3D billboard, the image is of a car following a lorry, but clearly the car has gotten too close to the lorry in front and has smacked into the back of it. Amélie Company have distorted the flat image and it's canvas in order for the image to become a 3D crash. This leap to a 3D piece makes the image appear more realistic, and also makes the issue more prominent to road users passing it.


The colours used in the image can also describe the story more, but colour association. Red generally signifies a dangerous colour, which could signify that by driving dangerously you are at serious risk of having an accident. Contrasting the violent red, is a deep calming blue colour. The colour blue often means calm and peaceful, which doesn't seem like the characteristics related to a dangerous driver, but more a slow and steady one. 

The most important issues to deal with when reaching this sort of target audience is understanding that they don't have long to get the message, perhaps a few seconds each day on their way to work. Amélie Company have tried to keep the message as concise as possible. Bold and big letters informing passers by that 'TAILGATING ISN'T WORTH IT' whilst also users a strong image to further enhance the message. Also often the audience may not have time to find the words on the billboard to be able to read them - however a large 3D image can have them thinking about the issue a lot longer, and perhaps even convince them to drive a little safer.

Information found via;

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