Thursday 6 November 2014

Art - Uninspiring Statues

I've been in Stoke-On-Trent for a little over eight weeks now. It's quite an adjustment, and I'm not much of  a fan, to say the least. But how can I be really.. Grey, grey and dull brown aren't exactly awe-inspiring colours. And the 'art' around here isn't helping either.

Everytime I go to work I pass a statue of a man with his arms stretched out. Underneath reads 'A MAN CAN'T FLY'. You can see by the strain in his face, that he's really trying to reach his goal; but can't - INSPIRING! I'm not sure if the artist Ondre Nowakowski intended for his work to have such a dark and gloomy message, but from the number 3 bus it doesn't look good. It perhaps doesn't help matters that this negative message is situated right next to a sixth form college and a university. 

I can't slate an artist though without properly looking through their portfolio, and surprisingly Ondre has some lovely pieces that truly show talent, and don't emphasise negativity. A lot of his work revolves around the concept of playing with the lighting and becoming part of the community also, but providing a seat as well as art. I only wish Stoke-On-Trent had commissioned him to do something more dramatic, more vibrant and not grey and brown to blend in with the rest of the area.

Information found via;

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