Monday 1 December 2014

Art - Christopher Wool

'Sell the house. Sell the car. Sell the kids. Find someone else. Forget it. I'm never coming back. Forget it.' - taken from Captain Colby's final letter to his wife in the film Apocalypse Now. 

The image is meant to be bleak and very straight to the point about moving on and not relying on the personal affects to make you happy. It also states the point that the past is the past, and you can't change it and moving on is the much healthier thing to do. I really like this piece due to the complexity of the piece. You have to struggle to read the message which is similar to the actual motion of moving on - which can at times be hard in itself. Struggling to read the message meas you have to look at the piece longer, and therefore take longer to think about the message. This is a reflection opportunity for the audience - to reflect on the context and the personal afflictions. The hard typography also highlights this point, it is hard and unforgiving. Often moving on with be a permanent change, so the dark thick paint reflects this. This piece can relate each individual viewer on a personal message which makes it such an interesting and complex piece.

Infomation found via;

The Art Book - Phaidon, 1994

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