Sunday 28 September 2014

Technology - Apple - You're More Powerful Than You Think

I hope any Android fans are thinking the same as me on this one - Yet again more crap from Apple that  we 'need' to be able to function as normal individuals. Apple seems to release these different advertisements, where the focus is on daily life, and how you're apple device can make life that little bit easier. Maybe I'm a little cynical as a great hater of Apple and all Apple products - but I do seem to enjoy their videos. I like to watch them - but why? Why watch them if I'm never going to buy their products, and if their products mean nothing to me. It's because Apple knows people. Apple knows what's trending and what people really want to see and then integrate that into their advertisements. This TV ad for instance, focuses on fitness. Couple this with the hundreds of media outlets near obsessed with weight loss, and the recent government's attempt to get people active, creates a frenzy of consumers running out to lose weight and fast! So of course Apple is going to present their iPhone 5 with a range of apps, and training gear to further propel themselves into the minds of their audience. The advertisement sparked my interested so much, I actually paused it on live television and tried to download many of the apps that were shown. Truly proof that Apple are one of the most up to date brands ever!

Information found via;

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